EX!T 14 – 幽暗中不可見的可見——長片放映 焦點藝術家 Gaëlle Rouard
Darkness, Darkness Burning Bright
國家電影及視聽文化中心 小影格 Cinema B
12.07 SAT 13:00
黑夜,燦爛燃燒的黑夜 Darkness, Darkness Burning Bright
蓋兒·胡亞 Gaëllë Rouard|法國 France|2022|DCP|b&w |70min
2022 25FPS影展 擴延電影單元 25FPS. Expanded Cinema
2022 鹿特丹國際電影節 International Film Festival Rotterdam P&I selection
Between 1996 and 2006, Gaëlle Rouard led the artist-run lab MTK in Grenoble, France. Amid the trend of digital cinema, MTK became a significant hub for photochemical film art in Europe. From then on, Rouard has been active in live performances and hand-made film workshops. This is her first feature film.
The work is composed of two parts. Prelude dives into landscapes penetrated by colors and shadows. Each frame is like a still life; the emulsion mirrors the state of the newly born. In Oraison, the shadow of death causes one to pause and reflect on life, a metaphor proper to photochemical film.