伯納施賴納 Bernhard SCHREINER|奧地利 Austria|2000|16mm|color |13min


Schreiner’s Hwa-Shan District, Taipei is an industrial wasteland. He finely articulated film techniques and made them suitable for the medium.

曾點,北投  DIAN, PAITO

伯納施賴納 Bernhard SCHREINER|奧地利 Austria|2001|16mm|b&w |6min


In 1999’s Taipei, the film embeds a pastoral longing: seeing things in a new light through layers between experience and memory. It also captured the experimental musician Dino LIAO.

眼淚中的知識  Knowledge in Tears

傑克・戴維森 Jake Davidson|美國 USA|2022|HD|color |9min


A microchip engineer explains something both familiar and unknown: A smart contact lens, which can analyze tears. What does it mean to create knowledge from tears? Or is knowledge ‘in tears’.

你的中國不是你的中國  China not China


Multiple exposures of street scenes distort space and place creating a fluid sense of impermanence and transition, of two states somewhere between China and not China.

雲海  Sea of Clouds

喬治・克拉克 George CLARK|英國 United Kingdom|2016|HD|color |16min

Sea of Clouds reflects on the relationship between images and their possible narration. between sentimental feelings and historical echoes, Mandarin and English, Taiwan’s complex history and its present.

山之心  Heart of a Mountain

帕拉斯都・阿努沙波、法拉茲・阿努沙波和萊恩・法寇 Parastoo Anoushahpour, Ryan  Ferko, Faraz Anoushahpour|加拿大 Canada|2017|HD|color |15min


The artists researched the objects whose stories are encoded as images. In human history and geological time, the obscure space that separates languages.

唱歌的蝸牛  Singing Snails

仲本擴史 Hirofumi Nakamoto |日本 Japan|2023|HD|color |11min

African snails migrated to Taiwan as a food source during the Japanese era. The work using images to explore the history and modern reflections of them.