Body QUARTET身體重奏


Body QUARTET身體重奏計畫,深入探索身體的多樣、複雜性,以及其存在、缺席與間隙的狀態。不同的身體(典型與非典型)如何透過即興的想法,共同舞動 。兩種截然不同的身體如何相互挑釁、對抗、吸引,最終編織成一曲四重奏?


本場梁俊文(台灣)與董家威(新加坡)的階段性呈現,作為跨國交流的一部分,今年11/23至12/7,首先於新加坡Sigma Collective Space的KLDSCP(Kaleidoscope)駐村計畫之下進駐兩周後,於台灣牯嶺街小劇場三樓排練場舉辦一場公開分享會。


演出時間:2024/12/15 (日) 13:00

演出地點:牯嶺街小劇場 3樓排練場



演出活動 網路連結

票價 登記表單將說明「歡迎贊助(200元或以上)





小劇場學校第一屆舞蹈班結業。柳春春劇社玉泉小隊成員。牯嶺街小劇場文化報編輯。近期透過與不同表演藝術工作者合作經驗中,辯證身體啟動方法。曾演出柳春春劇社鄭志忠導演作品《美麗 2019》、《Play》;差事劇團(編導姚立群)《千年之遇》;李奧森《切割、破裂、凝聚、粉碎、警察》、《時間的臨摹》、《車內河谷》;江源祥《吶喊 2023》;周書毅編舞作品《我所起舞的地方》(舞者)、《阿忠與我》(排練助理),此外亦曾參與周書毅的駐村策畫《無用的行動 III:消失的城市》及台北國際藝術村之藝術採集計畫〈駐村計畫七號 101 號房〉。



國立臺北藝術大學劇場藝術創作研究所(劇本創作碩士課程)與新加坡國立大學中文系榮譽學士課程畢業。家威的藝術探索涵蓋劇場、文字和身體。參與作品有周書毅編舞《我所起舞的地方》(新加坡濱海藝術中心與衛武營國家藝術文化中心聯合製作)、Candoco Dance Company《A Space for Everybody》(濱海藝術中心 da:ns focus 呈獻)、展能有道與 RJ Thomson《Glimpse》(晝夜璀璨藝術節 2023)、972 最愛頻道《最愛秀》、人•舞團《盤》及人•舞團二團DanceatDusk《平行綫》。


本計畫特別感謝兩位導師,鄭志忠(台灣)、林振發(新加坡)對計畫參與者的提醒與挑戰。感謝Sigma的洪國峰與蔡卓恩,在新加坡的工作期間提供無微不至的照顧,以及安排策畫各個細節。謝謝今年曾出席牯嶺街小劇場三樓排練場「Body QUARTET (Live)」身體重奏現場的表演者林子寧、黃晴怡(八月場次),李新寶、柳春春劇社玉泉小隊成員詹凱安、鄭志忠(九月場次)。




Body QUARTET delves into the intricacies of body diversity – its presence, absence and the state of liminality. How do two distinct bodies provoke, confront, and allure each other to be woven into a QUARTET?

Join Liang Chun-Wen (TW) and Tung Ka Wai (SG) for a Work-in-Progress sharing session as part of their cross-border collaboration. Bring your presence, energy, and feedback to be part of this research.




-Liang Chun-Wen. Completed a 3-year Dance Program from Taipei Little Theatre School in 2016. A member from a little theatre company – Oz Theatre Company’s Yuquan Squat for Actor. Currently working at Taipei Guling Street Avant-Garde Theatre as a newsletter editor.

In recent years, Liang has attempted to cooperate with choreographers, theater directors, practitioners in performance art, and visual artists in Taiwan, accumulating movement experiences and dialectical body activation methods and aesthetics from various live performance experiences. Selected works include Cheng Chih-Chung’s “The Beautiful”, Chou Shu-yi’s choreography “Dance a Dance From My Yellow Skin”, Yao Li-Chun’s “The Steps”, Val Lee’s “Severing, Fracturing, Uniting, Pulverizing, Policing” and “Charting the Contours of Time”.


-Tung Ka Wai. Graduated from National Taipei University of the Arts -Theater Arts Creation Institute (Master’s Program in Playwriting), and the National University of Singapore’s Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Ka Wai’s artistic interest lies in theatre, text and body.

Selected works include Dance a Dance From My Yellow Skin by Chou Shu-yi (Co-commissioned and co-produced by Esplanade – Theatres on the Bay and National Kaohsiung Center for the Arts Weiwuying), A Space for Everybody by Candoco Dance Company (da:ns focus, Esplanade), Glimpse by Access Path Productions and RJ Thomson (Light to Night Festival 2023), Love Talk Show by Love 97.2 (2022), Pán by T.H.E Dance Company (2021), Dance at Dusk: Parallel by T.H.E Second Company (2021).


*Special thanks to the two mentors, Cheng Chih-Chung (Taiwan) and Lin Chin Huat (Singapore), for their reminders and challenges to the participants, and to Sigma’s Guofeng and Chiok for their meticulous care and planning during the residency in Singapore. Also thanks to the performers Lin Tzu-Ning, Huang Ching (August session), and Chan Kai-An, Cheng Chih-Chung, Lee Hsin-Bao (September session) for attending the body ensemble at the “Body QUARTET (Live)” on the third floor of the Guling Street Small Theatre this year.



策劃人:梁俊文 [email protected]
